Empirestv's Face

Location: Davis, California, United States

I am considered by many to be a great public figure at UC Davis and especially in ASUCD. However, this title was granted to me under the most unusual circumstances as I have never held an elected position within ASUCD. In the next few months there will be a great many changes for you and for the City of Davis community and I hope to document everything that comes to mind.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I decided to start this up because I saw Ben's blog today and thought it might be interesting to spread myself even farther into cyber space. I gave blood Wednesday, everything went well. I can't say that this is always the case. I am usually always dehydrated and it is usually difficult to get anything out of me. I nearly was dropped for donating blood exactly a year ago after joking around about my reason for donating blood: to get a bean bag. But this time it was professional and organized the way I wanted it. I got a magnet for the refigerator and a pint of ice cream to symbolize the pint of blood I gave, a fair trade I say.

Soon thereafter I tried biking from my place to St. James and nearly wiped out my oxygen supply. I ended up getting late despite leaving rediculously early. The lecture for RCIA this time was about the history and context of the New Testament. I had heard the same lecture last year but it's good to review. My candidate won't be comming to the retreat due to understandable family events that were scheduled on the same weekend. This actually works out quite well because I plan to go to San Diego for a debate team competition on the same weekend. I found that the last year's retreat was about peace and enjoying the outdoors and song. While all good, I have a tendency to be either on the move doing something or being entertained. I have never been good with meditation because the only use I would have for it is to concentrate on a hard decision I would normally decide within minutes.

Today I have nothing going on except for a debate team meeting and then a martial arts class. The people at Blood Source told me to not to do anything for 72 hours but I feel fine, and I never let such circumstances get in the way of scheduled duties.

Friday I have a Stats midterm that I am not looking forward to, I have a council meeting later that day. Only two people sent emails to me about a Bible Study on Friday so I might delay it for perhaps another week, try to get some people from RCIA on board and if that doesn't work I'll scrap it.

On Satuday I have a debate tournament at Diablo Highschool, an all day deal. I will probably fail miserably but it will give me time to read my boring political science text. How can political science be boring? Well public opinion, the Federalist Papers, and the organization of political parties is not really current events.

So, that's basically it for this week. I may report more on the events mentioned later when they occur.